How To Increase Your Energy And Motivation
Have you ever had one of those awfully sluggish days where you just aren’t motivated and lack the energy to even complain about being that way?
Well there is a little known secret to dealing with this that not too many of us tend to pay much attention to these days.
So what is this secret? Exercise.
It may almost come across as hypocritical to say that exercise, the thing that may leave us so winded and tired afterwards, can actually be what is need for more energy and motivation throughout our day.
But that would only be the opinion of someone who doesn't know the full benefits that exercise truly provides.
Sure, exercise has its obvious benefits of things along the lines of a slimmer waist, toned abs, improved sex life, and even the possibility of adding a couple of years to your life.
But something that isn’t focused on quite as much is its mental benefits as well.
People who engage in regular day to day exercises generally also have more energy and motivation than those who don’t.
By keeping their bodies active, they also in turn keep themselves alert and energetic.
Performing exercises is known to increase the circulation of blood flow, which directly ties in with higher energy levels.
And by having more energy, higher motivation tends to follow along because the person does not suffer from feeling as sluggish or tired as they would had been had they not exercised.
When your body is engaged and more active, it in turn increases other things like your metabolism and releases endorphins to your brain.
In effect, you are waking up internally as well as externally as well.
Because once your body is awakened internally, your metabolism gets sped up.
This leads to you needing to eat more healthier foods that will be stored and converted directly into energy.
While addressing oxygen, you will also note that when exercising you consume more oxygen because you breathing more as well, which helps to increase your lung capacity.
This over time is what will allow you provide more and more oxygen to your brain and blood stream as well.
This increased oxygen flow to your brain and blood stream leads to increased functionality in your body and more productivity mentally as well.
More physical and mental power equals more energy and motivation as well.
Exercising also releases endorphins into the brain as well.
Endorphins are chemicals that are produced at the base of your brain whose purpose is to provide you with feelings of pain relief and pleasure.
This is why you may have heard the term “runner’s high”, because they are being exposed to such a high amount of this feel good endorphin due to the high level of exercise.
But even a moderate amount of exercise can be enough to produce endorphins.
This in turn will lead you to feeling better and more motivated throughout the rest of your day as well.